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Posted on October 23, 2018
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Watch Les Trois Dernières Sonates de Franz Schubert (1989) Full Movie and Download. Les Trois Dernières Sonates de Franz Schubert can be watch for free registering. Streaming Les Trois Dernières Sonates de Franz Schubert with 720p Quality.
Les Trois Dernières Sonates de Franz Schubert (1989)
Release : 1989-05-17 Genre : Runtime : 49 minutes Home Page : Company : Cast :
Alfred Brendel, one of the greatest of all pianists, plays and reflects on Franz Schubert’s last three piano sonatas. As he points out, Schubert can’t have known that he was soon to die, so they probably do not embody the air of resignation and finality future generations have sentimentally insisted they bear. They were however long neglected, all but forgotten, and only in more recent times have they come to be treasured and performed. The repose and wisdom of the maestro, together with the patient observation of one who is no stranger to the idea of the irrevocably lost, of the erasures of history, and of the value of fragile objects passed carefully from generation to generation, is a joy.
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