Posted by admin
Posted on December 11, 2018
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Watch Las combatientes (2004) Full Movie and Get Access. Las combatientes can be access for free registering. Download Las combatientes with 1080p Quality.
Las combatientes (2004)
Release : 2004-09-22 Genre : Drama Runtime : 94 minutes Home Page : Company : Producciones Copelar Cast : Alba Nydia Díaz, Cordelia González, Flor Núñez, Sonia Valentín, Roxanna Badillo
In this story of love, life, and friendship, three Puerto Rican women from very distinct socioeconomic classes are united when they must fight the same battle. Their lives collide at a doctor's office when they are diagnosed with a life threatening illness. Each has her own struggles, but they come together to survive and support one another on a luxurious weekend away in a beautiful beach resort. When they return to much have they changed?
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