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®[PUTLOCKER> Watch Kuambil Lagi Hatiku oNlInE ⚒2019⚒ FULL. MOVIE

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Kuambil Lagi Hatiku

Watch Kuambil Lagi Hatiku Online Streaming

Kuambil Lagi Hatiku (2019)

Release : 2019-03-21
Genre : Drama
Runtime : 123 minutes
Home Page :
Company : Perusahaan Film Negara
Cast : Lala Karmela, Cut Mini Theo, Sahil Shah, Ria Irawan, Dian Sidik

Agra City, India, will be the witness to the marriage of Sinta and Vikash, which are just counting the days. But Sinta is shocked by her mother, Widhi Malthora, who suddenly disappears. Sinta tries various ways to find out her mother's whereabouts while Vikash's family urge that the marriage be carried out immediately. Apparently Widhi returns to her hometown in Indonesia after receiving a telephone call from Dimas, her only brother. Widhi gets word that her father had died three months ago. Sinta is shocked because she always heard from her mother that her mother has no family in Java. Sinta is following her mother's departure with a thousand questions and delays her marriage in India. Arriving in Borobudur Village, Widhi's hometown, how surprised is Sinta, when she discovers the reality of her true roots and the dark secrets of her mother's past is not as beautiful as she has imagined so far. This reality will change her life forever.

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Kuambil Lagi Hatiku

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